Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4 Reasons You Should Attend RTC, #4 is My Favorite (#RTCNA)

I've officially registered for Revit Technology Conference North America 2014 (#RTCNA).  RTC is by far my favorite conference to attend.  If you have followed this blog over the years you would have seen numerous posts before and after the last few RTCNA's.  This year, I thought I would publish a post long before the event and give you my reasons why YOU should go. 

1. Intimacy and Networking

I have been to quite a few conferences in my life.  From RTC, to Autodesk University, to one about golf, and even PAXEast.  I can honestly say there is nothing quite like the intimacy of RTC.  By the end of the four or five days you can, at a minimum, recognize everyone's faces.  The RTC Event's team pays careful attention to the amount of attendees and the environments created.

You are guaranteed to at least run into every attendee once. I've found that when conferences get too big you have to work extremely hard to find specific people.  At RTC, there is no hiding!  Additonally, if you are not the type of person who wants to mingle it is always comforting knowing every single person there shares at least one common interest with you (Revit).

2. The Exhibit Hall

This goes along with the first reason. The exhibit hall at RTC is less of an exhibit hall and more of a social gathering zone (that happens to have vendors and cool displays).  First thing in the morning, in between all the classes, and later in the day the exhibit hall is the number one place to meet-up, chat, eat, and drink.  

Having this one sanctuary containing a BIM-loving congregation adds to the aforementioned intimate feel.  

3. The Speakers and Classes

I say this every year and I will say it once again.  RTC is for EVERY LEVEL of Reviteer.  Whether you are a self-proclaimed guru or just starting to dabble you will walk away having learned something new.  I promise. 

This year, there are some awesome speakers on-board.  As with previous years, I am always excited to sit in on classes by the guys who inspired me to create this blog, push my Revit knowledge over the edge, and have been using Revit for longer than I have been legally driving a car.  Some notables are:

Paul Aubin, Matt Jezyk, Zach Kron, Brian Mackey (and Desiree!), Robert Manna, Harry Mattison (who I teamed up with for SAuBIM version 2.0), Andrew Milburn, Marcello Sgambelluri (whose last name I will never be able to spell first try), Jay Zallan, and the list goes on... (for a complete list of speakers, click here). 

4. Session 10

Why Session 10?  Well, I will be speaking!  I am extremely excited and honored to be speaking at the same conference as the high caliber Reviteers mentioned above.  I will be giving a 75 minute technical presentation titled "Revit to 3DS Max to V-Ray: How to Create the Most Photo-Realistic Revit Models Ever".

I can't wait to speak and have already started working on my presentation.  This is a topic we can have a lot of fun with while still providing tons of value.  Make sure you pick my class for Session 10 when you register!  If you do, you better say "hello" to me after the presentation!


I hope I have helped convince you that RTC should be on your radar.  As followers of this blog, I know you will not be disappointed.  This year, RTCNA is being held just outside of Chicago, at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center.  I hope to see you all there!