Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Will you be at #RTCNA ?

I will be!  A week from today I will be boarding a flight to Chicago for this years Revit Technology Conference North American (#RTCNA).  I am extremely excited to be a speaker for two sessions this year.

In Session 8, I will be filling in for Tom de Plater.  Tom could not make the trip from the other side of the globe and asked me to fill-in.  His lecture is about the Unity Game Engine, Revit, and Oculus Rift VR goggles....  How could I say no?!

In Session 10, I will be introducing you to the world of 3DS Max/V-Ray.  Anyone who wants to make their Revit models looks like renderings on the cover of Architectural Record will enjoy the class.

If you are going to be at RTCNA and you see me, please say hello!  I go to this conference every year in hope of meeting more of my readers... and I always do!  So, don't be shy!  Also, shoot me and e-mail or Tweet if you want to meet up!  I may be giving out a few little gifts related to BIM After Dark...

Finally, make sure you follow me on twitter (@TheRevitKid) and the hashtag #RTCNA.  I will post on the blog as frequently as possible but Twitter is always the easiest method of reporting from the conference.  You will never see as much Revit talk on Twitter than you will during this conference.

See you all there!!