Thursday, September 25, 2014

Revit 2015 R2 - 12 Must See Links

Autodesk released an update to Revit 2015 this month. This update was a little different than others in that it included some the addition of some new features or tweaks to old features (not just stability and "under-the-hood" improvements.

There has been a bunch of great information and subtle changes noted about the new release.  I thought it would be beneficial to summarize them here in a pretty little list.

1. Click here to view the Autodesk PDF Enhancement List

2. Click here for a list of Enhancement in the Revit Wiki...

An announcement from Autodesk via David Light:

3. Autodesk New Update Notification:  David Light at Autodesk-Revit

Steve Stafford at Revit Op-Ed published a series of posts demonstrating some of the subtle, yet powerful, changes:

4. Revit 2015 R2 - Data Row
5. Revit 2015 R2 - Reference Other View
6. Revit 2015 R2 - MEP Move To for Circuits
7. Revit 2015 R2 - MEP Circuit Sequence and Recently Used Panel
8. Revit 2015 R2 - Load into Project and Close

Luke Johnson, over at What Revit Wants, published a great post with some awesome tips and tutorials based on the new release.

9. Click here to view Luke's post...

I have installed the new Site Tools add-in and have been fooling around with it a little.  I hope to post a little review on it in the near future... Let's just say it is a step forward, but maybe not quite there yet...

Lawrence, at Revit Structure blog, published a post highlighting some of the features for structural users:

10. Click here to view Lawrence's post...

Harry Mattison (the co-creator with me on SAuBIM) posted about the new release letting you know when you are trying to open a file in a different version.

11. Click here to see Harry's post...

There is also a nice discussion going on at about the new release which you can find here... (12).

Do you have a link you think should be added here?  Submit it in the comments section below...