Friday, July 26, 2013

Revit Tutorial - Standing Seam Metal Roof

This is a cool little tip that some of you may find useful.  Basically, the idea stemmed from wanting a quick way to represent standing seam metal roof ridges in three dimensions.  By default, the Revit material for standing seam metal roof has a surface pattern and an image with a bump map.  Most of the time this is a sufficient representation of a standing metal seam roof: the data is there, the graphic representation is there, and your construction documents will look fine!

So, why bother modeling the seams in 3D?  Well, for rendering!  The default material for standing seam roofs does not look good at all rendered... Not one bit. I am going to show you a very fast way to create standing seams ribs with the roof you ALREADY CREATED!

The idea is simple, you already took the time to model all of the ridges, valleys, hips, etc... why not use them?  The video below explains the method I used to create standing seam metal ribs:

Click here to watch Revit Standing Seam Metal Roofs in 6 Minutes via YouTube.
Click here to watch Revit Standing Seam Metal Roofs in 6 Minutes via Screencast.