Monday, January 26, 2015

BIM After Dark - Volume 2: A Week in Review(s)

I released the second installment of my BIM After Dark series about a week ago.  Volume 2 focuses on the creation of Construction Documents using Revit.  I should not have been surprised with the overwhelming response to this series because you chose the topic!

Either way, I am still in shock of the fantastic response.  First, the series has already sold 184 copies of various packages.  Second, the initial feedback has, again, reminded me why I still create content for this blog after five years.  It is difficult to retain the proper perspective about what this website is and where it came from after so long and I thank you all for doing so.

Finally, I sent out a few advanced copies to some of the people I have always looked up to in this tiny little Revit blogger niche and asked them to send me their own feedback on Volume 2.  The first two I'd like to share with you are the opinions of Paul Aubin (who has a new book out that I will be reviewing very soon) and Michael Anonuevo (of Little Details Count).  Continue reading for links and excerpts...

Paul Aubin and I first met (in person) at RTCNA many years ago and we seem to be two peas from the same pod (so to speak).  I've always valued his feedback and hopefully have given him valuable feedback on his work, too.  Paul was kind enough to take some of his feedback and post it to his blog:

New Edition of BIM After Dark (by the Revit Kid!) 
Jan 12, 2015 

Happy New Year. This blog has been quiet of late. My apologies. Life got very busy toward the end of the year. I’ll try to get some good content posted this year. Let’s start with a review of the latest edition of: BIM After Dark. BIM After Dark, Volume II is the second video series by Architect Jeffrey Pinheiro of Revit Kid fame. Jeffrey sent me an advance copy of the series to review. After watching the series, my simple review is: highly recommended, get yourself a copy as soon as it becomes available. Click here to learn more on when and how much. Here is my more complete review. Enjoy!... Click here to continue reading Paul's post...

I first met Michael Anonuevo (online) when he wrote an eBook on creating Revit families and asked me to write the forward!  So cool!  Well, Michael writes incredibly detailed reviews full of great information.  He did an awesome job reviewing Volume 1 for me and repeated himself for Volume 2:

BIM After Dark Vol. 2 

 B.A.D. Vol. 2 consists of 38* video tutorials. The length of the videos averages to about 9 1/2 minutes _with 1.33 minutes being the shortest and 30.18 minutes being the longest. The total running time of the videos is a little over 6 hours. In fairness to Revit users and to come up with this review, I spent one weekend going through all the 38 videos! In the process, I took down notes while watching all of them. At times, I watched a few of them more than one time to be sure I didn’t miss anything. If you want to skimp the rest of this product review, here is my verdict: this product is a MUST for all Revit users!  ... Continue reading Michael's detailed review....

Michael and Paul, thanks again for taking the time to not only send me great feedback but post it on your blogs for the world to see.  Keep up the awesome work!

Have you downloaded Volume 2? I would love to hear your feedback!  Send me an email with your thoughts on the series and if you want me to publish them on the blog or sales page with a link of your choice!