Monday, August 10, 2015

Revit Tip - Project Base Point and Survey Point Revisited

Over the years there have been posts on this blog that spark debate, opinions, and "face-palms".  The "Controlling Your Levels..." post I published back in May of 2015 is an example of a post that makes you think and rethink Revit's coordinate system.

Well, an awesome reader named Ben Muller (@pix3lot) was wracking his brain (and the comments portion of the previously mentioned post) to understand fully every aspect of Revit's coordinate and level system.  As a result, Ben created a nice graphic that really helps to explain all of the different level and coordinate systems in play when using Revit.  Keep reading to view Ben's awesome image:

Click to enlarge...

Ben, thanks for creating this image and taking a simple blog post to the next level.  I am glad you were inspired to look into this subject and came out of it a coordinate systems expert!  I hope other readers can print this image and use it to understand the systems as well as teach it to others!