Monday, October 10, 2016

Get Your FREE Desktop Guide to Family Creation...

I was fortunate enough to be asked to teach at the University of Hartford for a second semester in a row this Fall. The class I teach is called “Advanced Computer Applications in Architecture”. The goal is to expose students to the many facets of technology within the industry. Needless to say, I have a blast geeking out on this stuff…

Anyways, during the first few classes I taught the students how to create parametric Revit families from scratch. I handed out “The Autodesk Revit Family Cheat Sheet” during that first class. Soon, I realized how often we were referring to the content on the sheet (especially the formula syntax and conditional statement information). Therefore, I decided the free desktop guide was worth another mention here on the blog!

A quick note, the Autodesk Revit Family Cheat sheet has been downloaded by 2,894 people since I released it earlier this year! So, if you haven’t downloaded the free printable guide, what are you waiting for?

Continue reading to download the free printable guide...

About the “Autodesk Revit Family Cheat Sheet” Printable Desktop Guide:

The sheet is meant to be your desktop guide to family creation in Revit. I have been making my own Revit content for over eight years now and there are always little things I need to reference from time to time. For example, I always find myself referencing materials online for conditional if statements and correct formula syntax.

Print this guide out on 11”x 17” paper and keep it handy for the next time you are creating custom Revit families.