Monday, March 18, 2019

Residential Revit: Parametric Angled Wood Bracket

Today, I am going to continue the "Residential Revit" series with the same project from last week: The Rocky Mountain Modern House.  Today, we are going to look at a family that I created specifically for this project (but continue to use on other projects to date). The family is a fully parametric wood bracket with a steel plate and some bolts (seen above and below).

Continue reading to learn some of the family creation techniques I used to create the family and download it for yourself to use and explore...

To see the bracket in context here a couple of shots of the Rocky Mountain Modern house:

Notice the brackets on the main column to the right of this image.

These brackets repeat along the "engawa" wrapping the central court yard.

What I really wanted to focus on in the tutorial for this bracket is the technique I used to make an angular parameter.  Immediately, you may think of using a reference line and an angular dimension...  But, those of you who have created families this way will know that this type of rig can break... a lot.

The technique I use is all thanks to the great Marcello... I can't remember what year he gave a session at BILTNA and talked about this, but it was life changing...  Thanks Marcello!

Check out the tutorial below to find out more:

BIM After Dark - Volume 3: Family Creation

If you are interested in Revit Family Creation be sure to check out BIM After Dark - Volume 3.

Volume 3 focuses solely on family and content creation in Revit and the cart is now open!

If you're tired of downloading low quality Revit families that are not parametric and slow down your models Volume 3 is for you. Instead of settling for poor content, or waiting for manufacturers to catch up, create your own parametric Revit families!  Using practical, real-world examples, Volume 3 will give you all of the skills required to get started today.