Monday, April 15, 2019

DIY Dynamo - Spring 2019 Opening Soon...

Over the last couple of weeks I have received quite a few emails asking about when the next enrollment of DIY Dynamo would be.  Due to the demand, I'm going to put the Residential Revit series on hold for a week or two and we will have the DIY Dynamo Spring 2019 Enrollment next week!

Make sure you sign-up for the DIY Dynamo mailing list to get information on how to enroll and enrollment week discounts, content, etc...

What is DIY Dynamo?

DIY Dynamo was created with the beginner in mind.  As I have mentioned before, I truly believe that getting started and writing your first few scripts is the hardest part.  After your first scripts, you will slowly build your knowledge and solve problems on a need-to-know basis.  Therefore, the goal of DIY Dynamo is to get you over the first and most daunting hurdle: starting. 

When will enrollment open?

Enrollment will open on Wednesday, April 24th.

What will it include?

DIY Dynamo will be a three week online course with three distinct modules.  The modules build on top of one another.  By the end of the third module you will have been exposed to many facets of Dynamo and will feel comfortable enough to start attacking your own problems using Dynamo. 

There is an exercise at the end of each module to enhance your enhance your problem solving abilities and build on the content of that module.  

Additionally, I hold a live online "office hours" for those enrolled during each "session".  During these live office hours you will be able to ask questions and openly discuss the content from that week's module.

Ultimately, in under 2 hours time you will be more proficient in Dynamo than everyone around your cubicle right now.

You will also gain access to our DIY Dynamo private Faceboook group where current and past students ask questions, share ideas, and connect with each other (and me, of course).

Oh, and of course, there will be some bonus content... ;)

Stay Updated...

For special launch day discounts and announcements be sure to sign up for the DIY Dynamo mailing list today....