Friday, March 27, 2020

"Real-Time Rumble" Live Happy Hour Replay

For those of you who joined me live yesterday, thanks!  I hope you had as much fun as I did.  It's amazing how fast an hour actually goes when you start diving into topics.  For those of you who couldn't make it live, here is the replay...(or above).

I wanted to share some of the links mentioned in the live session.

The new BIM. After Dark.

During the live stream, I was so excited about the progress I have made on the new BIM After Dark, I had to share it with the group.  As I mentioned in the live session I will be holding a small "beta member" launch of the new BIM After Dark.  Check out the live session for more information.

Ultimately, BIM. After Dark. will be a premium community based learning platform for taking your Revit game to the next level and connecting with others doing the same (oh, and with me!).

Click here to sign up and get "beta member" notifications...

Additional Links From the Happy Hour:

My Portable VR Setup
My Lumion 10 Review
Twinmotion 2020 Review.
Enscape Review