Friday, October 23, 2020

3 Steps to Beginning Your Dynamo Journey, Today (+ Special Offer)


Well, that was fun!  It has been a while since I talked in depth about Dynamo. 

On the latest episode of BIM After Dark Live I walked through the 3 steps it takes to start learning Dynamo (click here to see all of my related posts about Dynamo).  These steps help you get into the right frame of mind and give you a starting point when entering the Dynamo world... 

There were also some great questions from the audience and even a cameo from some of the Dynamo superstars (like our good friend, John...).  

Topics Covered:

- Mindset Shift Required to Getting Started in Dynamo

- Dynamo Does it the Way You Do it

- Finding a Problem to Solve

- Being a Dynamo "MacGyver"

Special Offer: 30% Off!

As I mentioned in the episode I am offering a special discount to the BIM After Dark community for the rest of October (which includes my DIY Dynamo Course that will build on the 3 steps we talked about today using 16 real-world case studies, sample files, and more...).

What is the BIM After Dark Community?

Check out the video below (and the landing page here) to learn more:

What's Included?

- Self-paced Revit courses (all four! and any new courses to be added in the future) with sample files, live chat, and community support.
- Access sample files from your favorite "Revit Kid" tutorial posts.
- Exclusive access to online "office hours" with Jeff and guests. (Check out what an office hour is like here...)
- Connect with other Revit users to share ideas, best practices, and ask/answer burning questions as a community.

We've all spent years struggling with Revit alone.  Why not start struggling with Revit, together?
(30% off will end on November 1st!)

You are not alone, anymore.