Friday, January 29, 2021

Revit and Drones - Mapping, Point Clouds, and More...

If you missed last night's episode of BIM After Dark Live, do yourself a favor and check out the replay below...  If you're an overall technology junky/geek like me, you

Drones and Revit are two technologies I have been trying to figure out how to connect for a couple of years now.  Recently, a colleague of mine introduced me to a technology that makes it all possible.

In this episode I walked through how I was able to take a $600 (Black Friday sale drone) and map out an existing building, export it to a point cloud, and bring it into Revit...

Oh, and so so much more...

Like this really cool looking image...

Continue reading to see what I am all jazzed up about and to see the links (software and hardware) mentioned...