Friday, December 10, 2021

BIM 360 Design Collaboration. Explained. (FINALLY!)

Well.... that was... EPIC!  

On last night's episode of BIM After Dark Live I was joined by Scott Davis (AEC Tech Specialist for Autodesk) to shine some light on the BIM 360 / Autodesk Construction Cloud platform with an emphasis on Design Collaboration...  

All you need to know is we chatted for almost 2 hours and well over 100 people hung out and were active in the chat room the entire time!

Scott and I talked about the differences between BIM 360 and Autodesk Construction Cloud, How to setup a project, add members, create teams, setup a Revit Cloud Workshared model, and the three different Revit linking options... While taking many questions from the chat!

Of course, we also talked about publishing and consuming packages ;)

Whatever this platform ends up being called in the future, adoption of it across project teams is (and will) change the industry... I truly believe that.