Tuesday, April 11, 2023

See you in Dallas? (Digital BILT Week 2023)


I am super excited to announce that I will not only be attending my first (in-person) conference since 2019, but I will be speaking at it, too!

Digital BILT Week (formally known as BILTNA, and RTCNA) is a conference that is near and dear to my heart.  I have been attending and speaking at this conference since 2012.  

If you are looking for a conference that is just the right size to actually MEET people, has high quality classes to actually LEARN something, and, well... where you can actually meet ME, then you should try to make it to Texas in June.

If you do decide to sign up... Make sure you sign up for my session as well:

Session 1.2 
Thursday, 15 June, 2023 - 10:45 AM