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Welcome to The Revit!

Hi, I am Jeff!

First, thank you for checking out my webinar on Novedge, "The Ultimate Revit Custom Material Marathon".  I hope you learned some new stuff about custom materials and Revit.  If you enjoyed the webinar you may enjoy this epic post about Revit Materials:

Revit Material Management Tips & Tricks

Click here to view the post...

Download my Texture Library

Click here to download my personal texture library for your use.

The zip file includes over 300 texture images and related bump maps...

I apologize for the naming of the images... Many of these were done on the fly for jobs that were on tight deadlines and I did not have time to rename.

Check Out the Tutorials

Make sure you browse around and check the 1,000+ tutorials on this blog...

BIM After Dark

Finally, you may be interested in my video tutorial series called "BIM After Dark". In volume 1 you will learn how to create beautiful, professional, and high quality presentations with your building information models.  Click here to check out a sample video and learn more!