Monday, July 8, 2013

The Revit Kid Reader's Survey

Now that I have finished school and will have more "free time" I have been thinking a lot about the blog and about how I can add even more value to it.

I am looking into a even newer look and template that allows for easier navigation of the 959 posts throughout the past 4 years.  I know blogs can be very difficult to navigate if you haven't followed them in chronological order!  I want to make it as easy as possible for you to find the over 700 tutorials that exist within The Revit's archives.

Lastly, I want to start creating valuable content in a more organized form such as an eBook, podcast, or downloadable video series.  I've created a little survey I am asking you all to fill out so I can get a better feeling as to what YOU, my beloved readers, want.

Additionally, for completing the survey you will receive a FREE copy of a whitepaper I wrote explaining the process I used to convert a Revit model into a fully interactive CryEngine 3 environment (just like I show in this post...)


The Survey is now closed... Thank you to everyone who participated!!