Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Revit Structure Tip - 3D Reinforcement

I think I found this post because Marcello tweeted it... Not fully sure, but it was in my drafts here on the blog.  Anyways, some awesome stuff for Revit Structure... Or, I guess anyone using One Box??

First, a little about the publisher (Håvard Vasshaug):

"My name is Håvard Vasshaug and I’m a Digital Design Manager at Dark. I have a passion for the way digital 3D allows my imagination to play, and work out this passion using Revit. I also enjoy distributing knowledge, and often feel I’m in my element when I’m teaching Revit. I work worldwide with anything that relates to this from my base in Oslo, Norway. If you’re interested in learning something about Revit or BIM, please do not hesitate to contact me! "

 And now... Onto the goodies!...

Håvard published a post about his class at RTCNA this year.

If you are interested in the presentation:

Session 7 Intro (.pptx)
Session 7 Rebar Handout (.doc)

If you are interested in downloading the datasets visit Håvard's site now..