Monday, April 2, 2018

So You Want to Learn Dynamo but You Don’t Know Where to Begin?

I’ll go out on a limb here and assume you have heard of Dynamo by now. Additionally, you’re probably familiar with what Dynamo is and how it is rapidly changing the way we use Revit.

If not, I touch on what Dynamo is here and check out the first chapter of the Dynamo Primer here.

Assuming you have heard of Dynamo and you know what it is, I'll bet you have been saying to yourself, "maybe I should learn how to use this Dynamo thing?".

Then, your immediate next question is "but, how and where do I begin?".

Continue reading if you have been pondering where and how to begin learning this Dynamo thing...

How do I know that's what you are thinking?  I know because a recent survey of last sessions DIY Dynamo students found that 71.2% knew what Dynamo was but they did not know where to begin.

I also know because I felt the exact same way.

When I think back to when my Dynamo journey began three years ago I remember to two major "challenges" I had to overcome before starting:

   1. I had to find a need or problem to solve with Dynamo.
   2. Figuring out where and how to get started.

I discussed the first challenge and my Dynamo journey at length in an earlier post

What I didn't discuss in the aforementioned earlier post was what if you want to get started learning Dynamo but can't think of an immediate problem or need that it can solve?

You shouldn't wait to learn Dynamo because you can't think of an immediate problem to solve. 


Because the second you begin learning Dynamo you will begin thinking about how you can apply the sample problems to other problems, and so on...  I call this "peripheral Dynamo". 

So then, the question remains; "Where and how do I begin learning Dynamo?"

As readers of this blog, the answer is pretty simple for you: DIY Dynamo.

Over the next week, in anticipation of the Spring 2018 enrollment for DIY Dynamo, I will be discussing how the course will eliminate the "Where Do I Begin" question when learning Dynamo for the first time and immediately have you thinking "Hmm... I bet I can do this with Dynamo!".

For today, I'd like to discuss the topic of "where do I begin?"  

In the comments section below, tell me where you are in your Dynamo journey.  Are you not sure where to begin?  Do you have a problem you think learning Dynamo will help you solve?  Let's chat...