Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Learning Revit, Together. Introducing the new "BIM After Dark".

In my last two posts I asked a couple of questions that I was hoping would elicit some valuable responses, and they did.

The first question was "how do you get your Revit answers?"

The second question was "have you taken a Revit course online, and did you complete it?"

In the past, I have sent out links to surveys and took data that way.  These questions were meant to start conversations with you directly.  And it worked! I've had some awesome email conversations with many of you about your frustrations, victories, and Google searching journeys.

The conversations we've had over he last few days let me get to know you better and also validated my original assumptions:

Revit users are looking for a place to get high quality, straight-forward answers to their questions.

Revit users are looking for connections with "power-users" willing to share their knowledge and help them work through problems.

Revit users are looking for collaborative online courses where instructors and other students are available to help, motivate, and re-design the content as needed.

Revit users are looking for a premium, moderated, and high-quality community to collectively develop their skills while connecting with like-minded members.

The conversations I had with you all made me even more excited to introduce you to my version of a solution to what Revit users (you) want; the brand new BIM After Dark.

Welcome to the new BIM After Dark.

Check out the video below to learn more about what the new BIM After Dark is and how you can become a "beta member" today:

As mentioned in the video above, I am opening the community to a second round of "beta members" this week only.  I will then be closing the doors for a period of time.

As a beta member, your "perks" include:

- Lifetime "Beta" Membership pricing as a thank you for helping me shape and build this community!

- Self-paced Revit courses (all four! and any added courses) with sample files and live chat.

- Access sample files from your favorite "Revit Kid" tutorial posts.

- Exclusive access to online "office hours" with Jeff and guests.

- Connect with other Revit users to share ideas, best practices, and ask/answer burning questions.

And of course, you will be able to give feedback and help shape the future of "The Revit Kid" and BIM After Dark as we know it... ;)

The beta membership enrollment will close on Friday, April 17th at 8PM (EST).

** Be sure to select the "Beta Membership" Plan **

See you on the inside?