Yesterday, I posted a simple question here on the blog: "If you have a Revit question, where do you get your answer?".
I received a bunch of great emails and comments! Thank you for replying! It is always way better to have a bunch of email conversations than read a survey response...
Some of you answered with the one Revit question that has been nagging you recently (I will get back to you on those!), and others listed the order of their typical "Revit searches".
It was also apparent that some of you are frustrated with the process of finding the right answers to your problem.
For example, Don from Indiana mentioned he stumbled on YouTube videos often but:
"It is just like you say in your email. Some help here and some help there and a lot of talk close to the issue, but never a pin point solution for what I need at the moment."
Esteban, from New York, had a brilliant response about how frustrated he would get when he would Google something and land on a RevitCity forum post that had a bad link and frustratingly unhelpful replies. I would share that RevitCity post right now but RevitCity is currently down for me (go figure).
Esteban also shared a brilliant post from the one and only Steve Stafford about asking smarter questions, circa 2008.
I also noticed a common thread with many of you who may have connected with one or two "experts" within the Revit community and find you get your best answers when asking them directly. I know, for me, being able to message John when I get stuck on Dynamo is an amazing thing. Thanks man. ;)
I plan on unpacking this idea of direct connections to experts later...
Today, I wanted to build on our discussion into the world of online courses.
Due to the awesome responses and discussions yesterday's post created I figured I would ask another simple question today:

Have you ever taken a Revit course online? If so, did you complete it?
I'd also love to hear your thoughts on why or why not?
Don't be shy, I know some of you have taken my own courses and may have not completed them! It's okay... I want this to be a valuable discussion for all!
Reply to this email or on the blog comments below!