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Monday, August 31, 2009

And it begins!

Hey Everyone... I apologize for the slow down of blog posts in the past week. My posting has slowed down but my life sure hasn't. Within the last week I turned 21, moved into an apartment with my girlfriend, and now am starting at a new school.

Tomorrow is my first day of classes and I am excited, anxious, etc... My courses this semester do not include a Design Studio (sadly) thanks to the horrible transfer credit process. Nonetheless, there are some courses that will definitely influence my future blog posts and Revit information.

I know a lot of my readers are student as well... what is your story this semester? I am opening up the comments portion of this post for all of my fellow students to post. First year? Second year? First impressions of your school?

Stay tuned... I have a ton of tutorials planned and will create them soon!