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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tutorial/Tip - Doors and Windows

Recived and email:

"Hi TRK,

Let me first introduce myself. I'm Rachid de Wind, 24 year old and an architectural student.

I have always worked with AutoCAD for drafting, mainly because here that's what they use to teach with at school, but now I am revitized ... but to a serious note now, I just started learning revit and began a project after going through your nicely made "student to student" tutorials, which are amazing, I included a pdf of a sheet with just a couple views of the project, and a few SketchUp views of the problem I'm having, wich is that in this house I'm designing there are some doors that have windows attached to it both on one side and on top, and this is a problem for me because I can not find it in the familly, so that means making it myself, so here comes the simple question on this complex subject, is it possible for you to make a quick tutorial on how I would go about making this door/window??

Thanks for the email Rachid. This is a question that should not need a tutorial. It is very simple. The answer is project based. First, if you would like to schedule the windows within the windows schedule then do not make them part of the door family. Simply used a window family and place them on the wall where they need to be.

If the project utilized the window and door as a single unit (maybe straight from the factory) then create the window withint he door family. I do not want to go to far into creating the window family because that can be learned from my many tutorial already posted or used for a different subject.

Presonally, I have done both. There are some projects thats benefitted from using the transum and sidelight windows as part of the door and many that have benefitted from seperating the two families.

Hope this helps you, Rachid, and maybe some of my readers.