I had a nice conversation with the woman running the AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) table here at ACSA (The AISC booth was near the AIAS booth which was adjacent to the ACI and MIT booth...too many damn acronyms). Anyways, Maria Mnookin explained to me the benefits of becoming an AISC Student Member. The biggest bonus is the discount on AISC Manuals... Anyone in an Architecture program should be familiar with this beast of a book.
I want to pass the information on to you all because it does seem very worth it... oh and it is free for students.
Click here to sign up and explore the benefits of becoming an AISC Student/Faculty member...
Thanks Maria!
The Revit Kid.com! by Jeffrey A. Pinheiro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at The Revit Kid.com.