IPads Supplanting Blueprints Boosts Builder Productivity
By Jeff Kearns & Alexander Kowalski - May 31, 2013 12:00 AM ET
As the wind whips through the top floor of an unfinished eight-story office building a block west of the White House, Steven Denbow points to metal air ducts as an example of work that wouldn’t need to be redone... Continue Reading....
Mark E. Woodward · 615 weeks ago
APPLE products are still, and ALWAYS WILL BE, TOYS for the Burkenstock wearing, Volvo driving crowd. REAL buildings are designed by REAL Architects using REAL computer platforms and software, AND THERE AIN"T NONE OF THEM MADE BY APPLE, PERIOD!
Even the much ANTICIPATED and imminent resurrection of Steve Jobs won't ever help turn Apple products into anything other than what they currently are, GIGANTIC time-wasters for the hip-hop crowd and the socially inept Facebook members...