Creating lots of sheets in Revit can be a hassle. There use to be a nice little tool that helped the process along (but it has been out of commission for some time now). Whether you are navigating to the "View" tab, selecting sheet, and then your title block, or right clicking the "sheets" in your browser and selecting "New Sheet" it can be tedious on a job with over 200 sheets... Well, I discovered a little shortcut that could save big time.
The video you are about to see has been extracted directly for BIM After Dark - Volume 2. In Volume 2, I take you through the process of creating Construction Documents from a design model. During our journey I throw in little tips just like this one to increase efficiency which ultimately leads to bigger bottom lines! Check out BIM After Dark Volume 2 today...
Other Sheet related posts from the archives:
Organizing Your Revit Sheets
Tutorial - Moving Views Between Sheets
Revit Tip - Hide Sheet in Sheet List
XuR · 524 weeks ago
TheRevitKid 72p · 524 weeks ago
XuR · 524 weeks ago
Dan Davies · 524 weeks ago
Thanks for the tip, will work for quickly creating single sheets.
I have always preferred using the sheet schedule to create multiple sheets required for a project. By adding (placeholders) new rows within the sheet schedule and entering the required drawing numbers and titles prior to creating sheets. The auto sequencing works in the schedule as well. Then when creating "new sheets" you can select all from the list of multiple sheet placeholders and create many sheets with one command. Work smarter not harder principle ;-)
TheRevitKid 72p · 524 weeks ago
Jan Usinger · 524 weeks ago
I was not aware of that either.The Revit Kid's comment section rocks!
Keep up the good work.
leslietlcd 0p · 524 weeks ago
this works with sheets that have legends and drafting views already placed on them
so you can duplicate sheets set up with a keynote legends
we have sheets set already established so this make duplication for multiple floors etc very easy!