I have been working on a lot of schools lately at the office and many of the projects are additions/renovations. This requires us to build an existing model. Most often than not we have to show the existing casework and then demolish it. Well, this can be a very tedious and annoying task using the default Revit casework because it is in a bunch of pieces (Counter top, 4 base cabinets, and 4 wall cabinets). I decided to make a simple little family for this purpose. Simply place the family in your rooms... Then demoing and managing the one family becomes a lot easier.
Click here to download the family.
The family features an instance parameter for the length (so you can put it in any room and simply pull it to the length you need). Type parameters for the width and heights of any necessary masses. It also has a visibility parameter enabling the user to turn on and off the wall cabinets.
Feel free to add more detail, parameters, or materials...
The Revit Kid.com! by Jeffrey A. Pinheiro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at The Revit Kid.com.