Monday, December 22, 2014

BIM After Dark Happy Hour Recap and Volume 2 Release Date

In case you missed it, Friday was the very first ever BIM After Dark Happy Hour.  The event went very well!  Not only did 149 people show up live, but some of you tweeted me photos of your cocktail of choice for the event!  Awesome!  Here is a photo of my drink of choice (Ramos Pinto White Porto).

Continue reading for a replay of the live stream.  In the wake of my first eBook launch I decided to try something very ambitious during the live webinar.  I attempted to design and render a building in 1 hour.  Sadly, I ALMOST did it.  I set the rendering settings a bit TOO high and the rendering finished about a minute after the webinar ended (see above for the final rendered image).

Overall, I think the exercise was a success.  I wanted to demonstrate my typical workflow and prove that Revit can be used so early on in the design process.  This process obviously takes longer than one hour but who wants to sit there and watch me fiddle with a design for 8 hours?!  Anyways, here is the video:

Unfortunately, the Revit file I was going to post here for you to download has become corrupt (remember when it crashed in the video?).  If you are interested in the image files and rendering feel free to shoot me an email and I will send them your way...

Here are a couple of the links mentioned in the video above:
Revit Tutorial - Standing Seam Metal Roof
Revit Tutorial - Adding Depth to Your Elevations
Rendering Tip - A Simple Material Change to Add Realism
High Definition Renderings 
DESIGN:BIM - A Guide on Utilizing Revit in the Design Process
BIM After Dark - Volume 1: BIM Can be Sexy...

BIM After Dark - Volume 2 Release Date:

If you watched the live stream on Friday or sat through the entire hour just now you may have seen the release date for BIM After Dark - Volume 2!  I have been slaving over my computer the past week and will continue to do so for the next few weeks to finish up everything that needs to be done for the launch! 

The official release date for BIM After Dark - Volume 2: Production will be January 15th, 2015.

Volume 2 will take you through the process of converting a design model (similar to the one in the video above) into a set of construction documents.  From browser and view organization all the way to wall sections and printing! BIM can make paper... Not just the big drawing sheets either... An increase in productivity and efficiency during the documentation phase of a project will result in more green paper for your business.

Click the image below to join the mailing list and get Volume 2 updates immediately sent to your inbox!