Cool post from last year that I stumbled upon today...
As I was blog-stalking today, I saw Steve Stafford over at Revit OpEd posted aboutthe revisions on sheet dialog that is somewhat hidden in the sheet properties but helps with revisions schedules so much! It got me thinking I should post about some other little revision tricks that I think are hidden or people just don’t think about....
Click here to see the rest of the post and tutorial about Revisions, Clouds, Tags, and schedules.....
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Revit Tutorial - Revision Trickery (Revit Alliance)
revision clouds,
revit alliance,
revit tip,
revit tutorial
Revit Tutorial - Revision Trickery (Revit Alliance)
The Revit Kid
revision clouds|revisions|revit alliance|revit tip|revit tutorial|
The Revit! by Jeffrey A. Pinheiro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at The Revit