I was working with a friend of mine and he asked about the cleanest way to do a corner mullion. When I showed him the following technique he was ecstatic! I then checked the blog to see if I ever did a tutorial on it... to my surprise, I didn't! This may be a simple little tutorial but I know some of you will be as exited about it as my buddy was!
Continue reading for the step-by-step...
This tutorial uses a mullion family that exists inside the Default Autodesk Template. So make sure you either load that template or bring in the "Quad Corner Mullion : 5"x 5" Quad Corner" family...
At any corner mullion condition follow these steps:
1. Tab Select a single mullion at the corner.
2. Right click, choose "Select Mullions" > "On Gridline"
3. Unpin the Mullions (type "UP" on the Keyboard).
4. Change the family type to the "Quad Corner Mullion" in the properties bar.
5. Select "Delete Elements" when prompted:
6. Now you have a beautiful corner mullion that will adapt to any angle...
Pretty neat, huh? If you like this tutorial make sure to share it with a friend and get all those corners cleaned up!
@Sofa_arte · 499 weeks ago
TheRevitKid 72p · 499 weeks ago
wei · 499 weeks ago
Arek · 499 weeks ago
geoff matthews · 498 weeks ago
cant get it to work no matter what variation I try.
any tips would be appreciated.
cheers from Geoff in S.A.
Doug · 498 weeks ago
@JarodJSchultz · 498 weeks ago
This might help answer the corner condition from Geoff...
TheRevitKid 72p · 498 weeks ago
geoff · 489 weeks ago
Stephen Carlton · 480 weeks ago