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bim after dark live

Monday, June 3, 2024

What's New in Dynamo for Revit 2025? (w/John P!) - Replay


On this episode of BIM After Dark Live I will be joined by John Pierson of Parallax Team to talk about all of the new features to Dynamo for Revit 2025!

Some of the topics we will cover include:

Dynamo for Revit 2025:

- Now .NET8 (formerly .net framework 4.8 - microsoft)

    - potential speed gains, more modern

- New Nodes for linked files

- Toposolid nodes

- Coming soon - panel nodes

Notes about packages for Revit 2025:

- Most c# packages need updated

- Python is still iffy

- Ongoing package manager woes

Click here to view the episode now...