1. Embed a wall into curtain panel
You can change a curtain wall panel to any wall type by un-pinning it and modifying the type. Next you can then embed another curtain wall into the new wall panel infill by adding a curtain wall and using the Cut Geometry tool between the wall infill and curtain wall. You can repeat this process as many times as needed.
2. Disallow join
When you right-click over any wall end you activate the Disallow Join option. This will prevent the wall end from joining with other walls.
3. Unlock wall layers
When editing the structure of a wall, you can click Modify and un-lock a region of a wall layer. Afterwards the wall will display an additional grip to dynamically adjust the wall layer as needed.
This dimension can also be manually entered in the Instance Properties of the wall under Base Extension Distance or Top Extension Distance depending where the layer was unlocked.