This website is about delivering as much value to you as humanly possible. With that in mind, I have been fiddling with ways to make the website, blog, and tutorials easier to navigate and explore. Blogs are fantastic in that they allow you to get information out fast and furiously... On the other hand, a blog with five years of content and over 1,000 posts can be extremely overwhelming to explore (especially the archives...). This, along with the fact that almost 60% of the daily traffic to this blog is through search engines, have pushed me to make the site a bit less overwhelming.
Home Page
I took some time and really thought about how I could de-clutter the landing page for new and returning visitors. I wanted a well designed, one-page (no scrolling), and minimal landing page. All of the important aspect of the site in one place (social media links, recent blog posts, tutorials page, BIM After Dark links, etc...). Additionally, I wanted a single landing page for both BIM After Dark and The Revit I even toyed with the idea of branding it all together and the blog would become the "BIM After Dark Blog"... But... I can't seem to let go of "The Revit Kid"... Yet...
If you have not seen the new homepage, click here to take a look....
Comment below this post and let me know what you think!! I would love to hear your feedback.
Get Started! Page and Video
In addition to the homepage, I have been tweaking other pages within the website over the past few weeks. The old "About" page is now a "Get Started Here!" page. This page will hopefully help new visitors get a feel for the website, content, and navigation.I also created this "Getting Started with The Revit!" video to illustrate all the site has to offer....
Tutorials Page
The tutorials page is one of the most visited pages on this blog. I also decided to tweak it a bit (but not too much). If you have not visited the Tutorials page its definitely worth a look (Click here to check it out!). I try my best to break down the easiest way to navigate five years of tutorials!Additionally, the "Getting Started with The Revit!" video was placed on this page too...
BIM After Dark Update - Volumes 1, 2, & 3...
Some of you may have noticed a couple new images on the homepage, getting start page, and tutorials page... Two new images to be exact. That's right... Volumes 2 and 3 are in the works! Here are some updates on my plans for the three BIM After Dark volumes:Volume 1 - Presentation: BIM can be sexy....
Volume 1 has been live for almost a year now (11 months, to be exact). The reaction, feedback, and results of my first ever video series has been incredible! If you missed it, there are two posts with examples of what can be created using the techniques I show in the videos... (Click here and here for the galleries...)
I plan on re-launching Volume 1 with some additional content (based on much of the awesome feedback and questions I have received). Those of you who already purchased Volume 1 will get any content I add to it absolutely free on re-launch day. Keep and eye out for further information....
Volume 2 - Production: BIM can make paper...
Volume 2 will not just be about making a set of construction documents... In true Revit Kid fashion, this series will contain straightforward tips on improving your documentation process with the end goal of making paper... By paper, I am not only talking about Arch D sized sheets of drawings... I am also talking about making the real paper...
Volume 3 - Creation: BIM can make anything...
Finally, Volume 3 was the number two most wanted video series voted for by you, the reader! My goal with Volume 3 is to have you laugh every time someone asks you, "can you make that in Revit??!" I firmly believe that you can may ANYTHING in Revit... Volume 3 will give you the techniques to believe it too.
The series will touch on family creation, conceptual modeling/massing, dynamo, slanted walls (say what!?), etc...
Click on the images above to say updated on any and all of the BIM After Dark series...
Stay Tuned...
I know this was a fairly long post but I hope you are as excited as I am for whats to come! Make sure you check out all of the new tweaks on the site and the new homepage. Feel free to email me or comment below about anything and everything! Cheers to the next five years!
Jeff aka "TheRevitKid"
Ryan · 525 weeks ago